Things To Remember When Caring For Your Marble Floor

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Choose The Right Type of Marble Flooring

Having marble and other stone elements at the interior of your property is a great way to give the building an opulent look. When it comes to caring for your marble floor, however, you have to use the right cleaning strategies and equipment. The wrong tools and methods can lead to serious problems with staining and etching that will greatly diminish the aesthetic and intrinsic value of these additions. Following are a few marble floor cleaning tips to help you out.

It is first important to note that you should never drag abrasive materials across the surface of your marble floor. While this might seem obvious enough, a lot of people sweep marble floor designs on a regular basis. Even the tiniest of particulates can actually leave scratches on the surface of the marble floor that are glaring obvious.

Due to this fact, the best way to get up dirt, dust and other forms of debris is to vacuum your marble floor. Vacuuming a marble floor will eliminate the likelihood of scratching. One thing to note during these efforts, however, is that you should never drag or roll your vacuum over the top of your marble floor. Just like abrasive particulates can scratch this surface, vacuum cleaners and their hard attachments can damage your marble floor as well.

Once you have vacuumed up all of the debris, you may want to wipe the marble floor down. With natural stone flooring, it is always important to choose cleaning agents that do not have a high acid content. Products that are very acidic are what lead to etching. Keep this in mind if you have a marble floor in the kitchen. Spilling lemon juice or orange juice on your marble floor will not only lead to problems with etching, but it can also result in serious stains as well.

There are a number of simple, household products that you might be tempted to use on your marble floor. You may even think that a multi-purpose cleaner can do the trick. When cleaning your marble floor, however, it is always best to avoid household hacks. Stick to solutions that are made specifically for cleaning marble floor surfaces. Not only will these minimize the likelihood of dulling, etching, staining and other damages, but they will also give the marble floor a deep and brilliant shine.

You always want to have your marble floor polished and protected by licensed professionals. In terms of home values and aesthetics, a quality marble floor represents a significant investment. These entities will make sure that that the flooring has a sufficient layer of protection for avoiding minor damages and for maintaining its integrity throughout the years. This is especially important if you happen to have a marble floor in a fairly high traffic area.

Putting rugs down in high traffic areas is also a good idea. Rugs can have absorbent properties that prevent the marble floor from ever coming in contact with wet shoes and some of the abrasive debris that is regularly tracked into the home. Be sure to carefully shake these rugs outside and to vacuum beneath them as often as possible.

Taking good care of your marble floor will ensure that this important and incredibly attractive investment lasts. With the right maintenance strategies, you can keep these surfaces looking brand new. This will protect the value and the marketability of your home while helping you avoid the need for costly replacements and repairs.

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