Interesting Facts About Granite We Bet You Didn’t Know

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Everybody knows that granite is a natural rock (although they might not know that it is cooled up molten lava), so we decided to dig deep and come up with some other interesting facts about granite that you probably would be reading the first time through this post. Here, take a look: 

1. The beautiful granite worktops you have installed in your kitchen take up to 4 BILLION YEARS to form. As we mentioned, these rocks were once molten lava which was cooled down after being pressed below the earth’s surface for so long. 

2. The origin of the word ‘granite’ is from a Latin word granum; this is in reference to the grainy structure of the natural stone. 

3. The colour of the granite largely depends on the minerals present in the rock plus its location under the surface of the earth and the number of years it has stayed there.

4. Granite is quite versatile in use. Not only is it used as worktops, floorings, upstands, splashbacks and what not in the construction industry, it is also used to make beautiful showpieces, statues (bust), memorials and gravestones. 

5. The most common granite colours are white, pink and grey depending on the colour present in them. 

6. Granite, by definition contains roughly 20% quartz and almost 65% alkali feldspar; the rest of the 15% usually determine its colour though. 

Did you know all those things about granite? We bet you didn’t! If you have again developed interest in the natural igneous rock and wish to enquire about the fabrication process, you can visit the nearby factory of a supplier of granite worktops in Reading and look through the entire process. 

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